What is it like to have an extremely high IQ?智商很高是什么样的体验?
Alexa Davies, First year engineering student, 140 IQ,ADD 工科一年级学生,智商140,注意力缺陷障碍140 is relatively “extremely high” but compared to some of the other numbers answering I’m low. Whatever, though. Still answering.Picture this:140的智商实际上已经非常高了,但是和其他一些做答的人相比,我的分数没有他们高。但是不管怎样,我来回答一下这个问题。先想象一下:Until you start middle school, you’re bored. Everything is too easy, you don’t have to try, you don’t understand why everything is moving so slowly. You also notice that when your parents ask you to do chores, you go off with the intent to do them and then find yourself sitting on your closet floor two hours later reading a book. But whatever, chores are boring and you’re like, 8 years old. That’s normal.你在上中学之前,你觉得上学很无聊,因为所有知识都太简单了,你不理解为什么一切进展都这么慢,你还注意到这个情况,你的父母要你做家务的时候,你本来是转身是准备去做家务的,两小时后你发现自己坐在壁橱地板上看书。但是这也是正常情况,对于一个八岁小孩来说,家务活的确很无聊。
You get diagnosed with ADD. The psychiatrist confirms you have a genius level IQ as well, and explains that it’s extremely rare for someone with that level of intelligence to not have some sort of learning disability. You’re relieved that you have the answer to your problem, and that things will be okay now. As soon as you start medication.你被诊断患有注意力缺陷障碍。心理医生证实你有天才水平的智商,还说拥有这种智力水平的人很少会有某种学习障碍。你终于找到了问题的答案,你放心了,你相信一旦你开始服*,一切都会好起来的。
You manage to develop study skills. You work your ass off and force yourself to learn years of behaviour in a few months. You’re constantly stressed and crying. You get into your program of choice, but you aren’t sure if it can be attributed to your hard work or simply being lucky enough to be born with high intelligence. Around the same time you’re diagnosed with depression and mild OCD. Your doctor tells you it’s extremely common in people with high IQ’s, much like the learning disability that stole half your education.你想尽一切办法提高学习能力。你拼命学习,强迫自己在几个月内学习别人几年学会的内容。你经常觉得压力很大,时常哭泣。你成功入选你自己选择的项目,但你不确定这是因为你的努力学习,还是因为生下来就拥有高智商。差不多同一时间,你被诊断患有抑郁症和轻度强迫症。医生会告诉你,这种情况在高智商的人中是非常普遍的,就像你因为学习障碍从而导致了你的教育缺失一样。You’re fucking bitter. You have a learning disability, multiple mental illnesses, and you don’t know basic math seeing as you didn’t start learning in school until grade 11. And you’re still having to work as hard as anybody else for good marks. Your high IQ is a fucking burden.你非常痛苦。你有学习障碍和多种精神疾病,因为你在学校直到11年级才开始学习,你也不了解基本的数学知识。你必须和其他人一样努力才能取得好成绩。你的高智商就是一种负担。
· Popular culture is incredibly boring. Almost anything on TV or coming out of Hollywood is too predictable to be entertaining, and the fact that people can enjoy listening to the crap that gets churned out by the music industry and consumed by the masses makes you lose hope in humanity, reducing the human race to idiot beasts. On the other hand, sometimes you are jealous of the “ability” to tune out and go into a trance.会认为流行文化是非常无聊的。几乎任何在电视或者好莱坞拍的东西你都可以猜到未来发展走向,以至于无法给你带来娱乐,而事实上,大多数人都可以享受聆听娱乐产业制造出来的、被大众消费掉的废话,这让你对人类失去了希望,把人类视为白痴野兽。另一方面,有时你会懊恼自己的“能力”无法很好地发挥。
· You see and hear logical fallacies everywhere, and ride a roller coaster between frustration bordering on violence and complete apathy. The ubiquity of cognitive dissonance baffles your mind and seems like a huge barrier to the success of humanity. If someone has an opinion on something like economic policy or climate science or evolution or anything else, you ask questions in order to ascertain if they have any underlying knowledge on the topic at hand; if they don’t, they are “out,” probably irreversibly so. The political dichotomy (I’m from the US) makes no sense when we now have the technology to make decisions on individual issues. (oh wait, it’s because people don’t really care enough to do anything about the fact that our political system is owned by corporations and powerful individuals/families).你到处都能看到和听到逻辑是有谬误的,你听到这些感到很失望但同时又不得不挣扎着无视他。普遍存在的认知失调让你感到困扰,这似乎是人类成功的巨大障碍。如果有人对经济政策、气候科学、进化论或其他任何东西有意见,你会问他们一些问题,以确定他们是否对这个话题有任何潜在的了解;如果他们没有,他们就被“出局”,这可能是不可逆转的。当我们现在拥有用于对单个问题做出决策的技术时,Z治上的两分法(我来自美国)就变得毫无意义。(哦,等等,这是因为人们对我们的Z治制度是由企业和有权势的个人或家族来掌控这一事实不太关心)。· Depending on your field and the situation you go into, coming out of school, a place where your talents are immediately recognizable, and entering the work force can be a harsh awakening. I sleep-walked (slept-walk? sleeped-walked?), through high school and college while outperforming everyone around me and assumed that would just continue. Bad assumption. A geneticist by training, I joined a corporate biochem lab out of school and proceeded to rot for a few years. (See the first bullet point about working in teams above). The pace is excruciatingly slow and the environment stifling, and while you think you should be shooting up the ranks, the things you might bring to the table are completely missed by everyone around you. I’m assuming this is largely due to my particular situation. Should have gone to work for a startup or done my own thing I suppose.还有就是取决于你所处的领域和环境,离开学校后,我在一家认可我才能的公司工作,一个不太贴切的假设,这其实让我觉醒了,在高中和大学期间,我好像在梦游一般,我的表现超过了我周围的所有人,并认为这种情况还会继续下去。我是一名受过训练的遗传学家,毕业后加入了一家公司的生物化学实验室,然后又堕落了几年。(参见上面关于团队合作的第一个要点)。这里研究步伐极其缓慢,环境也令人窒息,虽然你认为自己应该升职,但你可能会遇到一些困难,也可能你所带来的东西完全被你周围的人忽视了。我想这主要是因为我的特殊情况。我想我应该去创业公司工作或者做我自己的事。· Things you can’t immediately understand are like a drug. This could be a cause or an effect of high intelligence. If I find something that boggles my mind, but seems eventually solvable, I will literally burst out laughing in euphoria at some point as I try to break it down. This can be said of individual situations (for example, walking the streets the first time I visited a “developing” nation) or of entire branches of knowledge (recently got into programming).· The things I have written above seem of insufficient depth. I worry that without adding in clarification, exceptions, etc. people will get the wrong idea or think I mean something that I don’t.不能被你立即理解的东西就像毒品。这可能是高智商的原因或结果。如果我发现了一些让我困惑,但似乎最终可以解决的事情,当我试图打破它的时候,我会在欣喜若狂中大笑。这可以说是个别情况(例如,我第一次访问“发展中国家”时在街上散步时出现过),也可以说是知识的整个分支(最近才进入编程领域)。我上面写的东西似乎不够深入。我担心如果不加上澄清、例外等,人们会误解我的想法,或者曲解我所要表达的意思。Bob Smith, Advisor and Academic (2000-present) 智商高于160(我也是完美主义者,所以这一定程度上会影响我的感知能力)I have a tested IQ of 182 (though I appreciate all the problems that come with both the measurement and my reporting my IQ here). I state the number simply to say I am qualified to answer this question.Having a very high IQ means ironically not knowing how smart you are. At least for me. Let me explain.我智商高于160,我也是完美主义者,所以这一定程度上会影响我的感知能力。我的智商测试结果是182。我说这个数字只是为了表示我有资格回答这个问题。讽刺的是,具有很高的智商意味着你不知道自己有多聪明。至少对我来说是这样的,我来解释一下原因。I was one of those ‘has so much potential’ cases until I was about 14. One of the cases that Quora paints as the norm for a high IQ set. I was bored of school. Getting bad grades. Spending all my time programming my Commodore 64 (if you can use the word ‘programming’ in any modern sense of the word). I knew I was smart. But after ‘the talk’ with my teacher and parents, I knew I wouldnt be a success— unless I changed my ways.So overnight- I changed. Bought a Barrons series book about How To Study. Got all As after that. My life since has been the usual thing you think about for high IQ people.Went to Harvard and Oxford. Studied for my PhD while an undergrad. I was surrounded by the smartest in the world. I didnt – and dont – feel smart by any stretch pf the imagination.Then off to meet ministers and presidents while working for the UN. Again, absolutely everyone around me had elite pedigrees and a PhD. I was just another among many. Life is so full of trivia and banalities that its tough to feel smart. You are trying to get to work ontime. Learn how to get friends to support you in meetings. Learn how to game your reports, so you use the right jargon. Most of life does not require a high IQ.在大约14岁之前,我就是那种“潜力巨大”的人。其中一个例子被Quora列为高智商的例子之一。我厌倦了上学。成绩不好。我把所有的时间都花在Commodore64编程上。我知道我很聪明。但是在和我的老师和父母“谈话”之后,我知道除非我改变自己的方式,否则我不会成功。所以一夜之间,我改变了。我买了很多关于如何学习的书。一切都从那时开始。我的生活就成为了你认为的高智商人的生活的样子。上过哈佛和牛津。在读本科时攻读博士学位。虽然被世界上最聪明的人包围着。但我没有,也不觉得自己很聪明。然后在为联合国工作期间会见部长和总统。再说一遍,我身边的每个人都有精英血统和博士学位。我只是许多人中的另一个。生活中充满了琐事和陈词滥调,以至于很难让人觉得自己很聪明。你想准时上班。学习如何让朋友在会议上支持你。学习如何处理你的报告,以便你可以使用正确的术语。生活中的大部分时间并不需要高智商。So – like so many others – I had to mix academic life with work. Real life- full time- is just tooo boring. And anyway, who will respect you as a cog in the administrative machine? You need to become like the greats to make it. A fampus Harvard professor AND deputy secretary of Treasury (to cite one example). Fancy Columbia professor AND chief economist for the World Bank.In these milieux, you get zero credit for having a high IQ. You are expected to. Back at Oxford, you were forgiven for being dull. Anyway, people just write – and there were/are no real consequences. Being surrounded by other high IQ types makes dinner conversations great. But thats about it. And no one talks about their IQ – or intelligence more generally. Wow, would that be gauche! :p所以,像其他许多人一样,我不得不把学术生活和工作混在一起。现实生活的所有时间都实在太无聊了。不管怎样,你只是行政机器上的一个齿轮,谁会尊重你呢?你需要成为伟大的人才能成功。比如哈佛大学教授兼财政部副部长(举一个例子),哥伦比亚大学教授,世界银行首席经济学家。在这种环境中,你的高智商对你毫无用处。你应该回到牛津,你的迟钝是可以原谅的。不管怎么说,与其他高智商类型的人在一起,这会使吃饭时的谈话变得有趣,但仅此而已。而且没有人谈论他们的智商,或更笼统地说是智力。哇,那太笨拙了!What is it like having a high IQ? Well, most times you dont notice it. Most of life does not require it. And there is no clear way of figuring out who has done something high IQ-y. I mean, so the guy figured out how to fix the dinner table with a napkin. Is that high IQ? Luck? Experience?Work and research are so much group activities these days. Standardisation helps you far more than exceptional IQ-ing around.高智商是什么感觉?嗯,大多数时候你不会注意到。生活中的大部分时间并不需要它。而且也没有明确的方法来找出谁做了高智商的事。比如说,一家伙想出了用餐巾纸装饰餐桌的方法。那是高智商吗?是运气或者经验?现在工作和研究都是集体活动。标准化对你的帮助远远超过了高智商。You speak 5 languages, have fellowships in 8 prestigious academies and centres, and earn about $150k-$200k per year. All just like your friends and colleagues sitting next to you. You are all the result of decades of sifting through school, career, etc. Any misstep would have ended your run – for perfect grades and the Ivy League school. For the job before grad school where you show the Ivies (Ivy schools) that you are a doer, as well as a learner. Then PhD. Any off day. And bad mistake could end it all. The perfect record broken.你会说5种语言,在8个著名的学院和中心获得奖学金,每年收入约15万至20万美元。就像坐在你旁边的朋友和同事一样。你们都是几十年来在学校、职业等方面进行筛选的结果,任何一个失误都会结束你追求完美成绩和常春藤盟校的征程。在毕业前的工作中,你要向常春藤(常春藤学校)证明你是一个实干家,也是一个学习者。然后才是博士。在任何倒霉的一天,糟糕的错误会结束一切,完美的记录就会被打破。What is it like to have a high IQ? For me, it means getting to hang out with the world’s elite. Not the private jet owning, Davos set (necessarily). But the men and women who were both accomplished biochemists AND Olympic swimmers. Who are leading lawyers AND prize winning novelists. Who are beauty queens AND work for the world’s most elite consulting firm. It means having access to a milieu few get to see/experience. To go to places that money can not (necessarily) buy access to.It means living a life you get to choose – instead of one others choose for you. Being with people who few have the privilege to meet. You are privileged not because of what they own, or can buy. But because of what they can do (and fundamentally who they are).高智商意味着什么?对我来说,这意味着要和世界上的精英们交往。但是那些都是出色的生物化学家又是奥林匹克游泳运动员的男人和女人。他们是顶尖的律师和获奖的小说家。她们是选美皇后,为世界上最优秀的咨询公司工作。它意味着能接触到一个很少有人能看到或体验到的环境。去那些花钱也去不了的地方。它意味着你可以选择自己的生活,而不是让别人为你选择。和别人很少有机会见面的人在一起。之所以享有特权,不是因为他们拥有什么,也不是因为他们能买到什么。而是因为他们能做什么(从根本上说他们是谁)。What is it like to have a high IQ? It is always being in a competition with yourself. For a goal you can never articulate. Knowing you have no special powers or immunities in a world where high IQ confers few privileges and benefits.So you can guess whodunnit faster. And predict when your wife will flip out much sooner than the other guys. So what?高智商意味着总是要和自己竞争。为了一个你永远无法表达的目标。要知道在一个高智商几乎没有特权和利益的世界里,你没有特殊的权力或豁免权。所以即使你可以更快地猜出谁是凶手。以及比其他男人更快预测你妻子什么时候会发疯。那又怎样?Worse still- with your heightened ‘power’ comes heightened responsibility. Not to laugh at the slower ones – even though they always laugh at you. To sacrifice and take up the bureaucratic job of lab manager or department head or district manager. Because…who else can? If you do not use your gift every day, you lose what makes it – and you – special.If you dont use your high IQ all the time, you might get stuck in the dead end job. Or the dead-end relationship. Or not make the Ivy League. Or the Magic Circle law firm. Just like with everyone else…If you dont use it all the time, you lose the advantages it conveys. And the enjoyment it confers.更糟糕的是,随着你“权力”的增强,责任感也随之加重。不要嘲笑慢节奏的人,即使他们总是嘲笑你。学会牺牲并担任实验室经理或部门主管或地区经理的官僚主义工作。因为,除了你还有谁能胜任呢?如果你没有每天都使用你的天赋,你就会失去让你变得特别的东西。如果你没有一直使用你的高智商,你可能会陷入工作的死胡同。或者是关系的死胡同。或者不能进入常春藤联盟。或者顶级圈律师事务所。就会像其他人一样,如果你没有一直使用它,你就失去了它所带给你的优势。以及它所带来的享受。